Defense Diplomacy in the United States of America

Defense Attachés’ Spouses Organization (DASA)


Defense Attaché Spouses Association (DASA)

On behalf of the DASA, WELCOME to Washington DC.

2022 – 2023

What is DASA?

DASA stands for Defense Attaché Spouses Association, and our purpose is simple:  To act as a support network for spouses of Foreign Service attachés, and to foster long-lasting friendships between international members of the defense community in Washington DC.  Our hope is that by sharing our cultures and experiences we are able to enrich our lives and time here in Washington DC.  We also hope that this enhances the relationships the attachés build during their day-to-day interactions with one another.

Who can join DASA?

You are eligible to become a DASA member, when your spouse is accredited to the United States Department of Defense - Defense Intelligence Agency, as

        the Defense Attaché, or

        the Assistant Defense Attaché, (at the discretion of the DA) and as long as your spouse does not cover another service, such as Air Attaché, Navy Attaché or Military Attaché, or

        the Defense Cooperation Attaché

        the Assistant Defense Cooperation Attaché, (at the discretion of the DCA) and as long as your spouse does not cover another service, such as Air Attaché, Navy Attaché or Military Attaché.

DASA has approximately 90 members and we hope you will be able to join us.

What do we do?

Our main activity is a monthly gathering often as a “potluck”* luncheon.  DASA members volunteer to host the lunches at their residence and we alternate those with an outdoor picnic or gathering for members.

If you would like to join DASA, please fill the membership form and click this link:

Membership fee

To allow us to fulfill our mandate, we require an annual membership fee of $30 per year. 

This fee covers your contribution toward departing member gifts (which includes a photobook full of special memories of the meetings and luncheons), a DASA pin, stationery and other miscellaneous expenses.

We ask that you fill in the membership form before sending us your payment. Payments can be cash, electronic or check and you will receive a list of payment methods once we receive the application form.

If you would like to know more about our group, when and where we meet, please contact us by sending an email to:

We hope that you enjoy your time in Washington, DC and that you join us at DASA. 

*“Potluck” means that each attendee brings a small dish (for 6-8 persons) to share.

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